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Six Easy Pieces Summary Chpaters Water Mosley

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Lawrence Block
If you liked Five Easy Pieces...

...this isn't the expanded version. It's Walter Mosley writing six rich and poignant stories and making it all look absolutely effortless.

Cheryl James
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I love Easy Rawlins and all of the great detective work that he does but i am not a fan of short stories. Each hour is a individual story and that did not set well with me. Easy did his job in each story but it was a little overwhelming for me.

The best thing to me was that his best friend mouse is not dead after all😊

A collection of short stories featuring Mosley's signature creation, all enjoyable and engrossing in their own right, working as both a composite novel and a means to write Rawlins out of the cul de sac Mosley had seemingly written him in to; each story laying more foundation, emotional, social and familial, for what will seemingly be a new era for Easy's Research and Delivery business.

The major problem I have with mystery/noir short story collections featuring the same protagonist is that it st

A collection of short stories featuring Mosley's signature creation, all enjoyable and engrossing in their own right, working as both a composite novel and a means to write Rawlins out of the cul de sac Mosley had seemingly written him in to; each story laying more foundation, emotional, social and familial, for what will seemingly be a new era for Easy's Research and Delivery business.

The major problem I have with mystery/noir short story collections featuring the same protagonist is that it stretches the boundaries of credulity, just how many friends can come to your detective and ask for help with dead bodies in a short space of time? And Six Easy Pieces is no different.

Dec 26, 2021 rated it really liked it
Overall, this is actually the weakest book in the series for me. One thing that makes Mosley's writing work is that you can always jump in and start reading any Easy Rawlins story, because he is careful to always have the character note who everyone he meets is and what his exact connection to them is. So, even if you've never read Devil in a Blue Dress, you'll know Jesus backstory, because it is covered time and again in every novel that comes after. Typically, this is a good thing. That isn't Overall, this is actually the weakest book in the series for me. One thing that makes Mosley's writing work is that you can always jump in and start reading any Easy Rawlins story, because he is careful to always have the character note who everyone he meets is and what his exact connection to them is. So, even if you've never read Devil in a Blue Dress, you'll know Jesus backstory, because it is covered time and again in every novel that comes after. Typically, this is a good thing. That isn't the case here. Mosley treats the 7 stories in this volume as if they're all taking place in 7 different books and covers the same ground time and again. As I also said, the adventures collected here are short and nowhere near as satisfying as the longer tales you'll find in Devil in a Blue Dress of White Butterfly. This doesn't make the volume bad and it would probably be perfect for new readers who wanted to check out the character, without investing too much into him, but the book just isn't as good as it could have been. The fact that of the 7 stories here, large parts of 6 of the stories have already been printed in various other books beforehand also hurts it. You basically buy this to read the last 10 pages or so of each of those 6 stories, plus a 7th story. Good to have in the collection and it does feature important development for Easy in regards to his life and relationships with certain characters, but it's nothing amazing. ...more
Now that was a good book of short stories. A perfect amount of go between from Bad Boy Brawly Brown to Little Scarlet.
Dec 22, 2020 rated it liked it
Love me some Ezekiel Rawlins stories....and this collection has six! Each tale is self contained while simultaneously moving along the overall arch of "Easy" and his friends and families lives. Quite the enjoyable read. Love me some Ezekiel Rawlins stories....and this collection has six! Each tale is self contained while simultaneously moving along the overall arch of "Easy" and his friends and families lives. Quite the enjoyable read. ...more
Dec 26, 2008 rated it really liked it
This is my second time reading "Six Easy Pieces." I felt a little bit lost the first time because I had read this out of order. So I suggest you read "The Little Yellow Dog" before S.E.P. if you are a fan of the series. If not, well, this book does hold it's own. Six easy Pieces is a collection of short stories. They follow along sequentially but each story begins by filling you in with as much of the back story as you will need to proceed. That back story is the climax of "The Little Yellow Dog This is my second time reading "Six Easy Pieces." I felt a little bit lost the first time because I had read this out of order. So I suggest you read "The Little Yellow Dog" before S.E.P. if you are a fan of the series. If not, well, this book does hold it's own. Six easy Pieces is a collection of short stories. They follow along sequentially but each story begins by filling you in with as much of the back story as you will need to proceed. That back story is the climax of "The Little Yellow Dog." So if you want to avoid spoilers....

"Six Easy Pieces" is one of the better books in the series. I loved the short story format. I love the sense of time and place Mosley imparts. This is not the same time period as in his earliest books so we are meeting a slightly different Easy Rawlins. He is maturing and redefining himself. As for the mysteries, they are just commas in this process of self-inspection.

I also found more of the supporting characters sympathetic. In Easy's mellowing, the milieu he finds himself in is less sharply adversarial. Never-the-less, Easy still finds himself negotiating with the denizens of the "street". The sordid lives of other still seek him out for closure. Sweet or sour Easy delivers.

Aug 20, 2020 rated it really liked it
For some reason I never think I'm going to enjoy short stories as much as I sometimes do. This is a collection of very good short stories that have a real place in the Easy Rawlins universe, not filler material at all. This is a collection of seven stories that feature Easy in his Junior High janitor supervisor days and while each story is its own mystery, there are many personal threads carried over featuring many of the supporting characters in life and death situations. 4 + Stars For some reason I never think I'm going to enjoy short stories as much as I sometimes do. This is a collection of very good short stories that have a real place in the Easy Rawlins universe, not filler material at all. This is a collection of seven stories that feature Easy in his Junior High janitor supervisor days and while each story is its own mystery, there are many personal threads carried over featuring many of the supporting characters in life and death situations. 4 + Stars ...more
Dec 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
6 different short stories in the world of Easy Rawlins
Feb 20, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I've been reading through this series and I was worried I would hate this one because it deviates from the traditional structure of a full length novel with 6 short stories instead. However, this was a really good collection of short stories. It felt like episodes of a TV series. I was engaged with each story and learned a bit more about the main characters and the historical context with each one. Looking forward to the next book.
Six Easy Pieces: Easy Rawlins Stories

Any book featuring Ezekiel "Easy" Rawlins, true crime 🕵, and his side kick Raymond aka Mouse is a banger. It's my second time reading this book by author Walter Mosley. Loved it!


Six Easy Pieces: Easy Rawlins Stories

Any book featuring Ezekiel "Easy" Rawlins, true crime 🕵, and his side kick Raymond aka Mouse is a banger. It's my second time reading this book by author Walter Mosley. Loved it!


As a writer, I've been interested in reading more short story collections. I dove into Six East Pieces right after Bad Boy Brawly Brown, so imagine my surprise when I realized it's written as a short story cycle! This went down smooth, I love the pacing, and the way you get 6 separate yet interlinked Easy cases all in one. The last one definitely packs a punch.
Bob Box
Apr 01, 2022 rated it really liked it
Read in 2003. A collection of Easy Rawlins short stories. All exceptional. One of my favorites that year.
Laura Hoffman Brauman
While technically this is a collection of short stories all featuring Easy Rawlins, they occur chronologically within the series, so it flows nicely. I always enjoy spending some time with Easy -- they are fun, fast reads and I really like his characters.
Oct 07, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Six of the smoothest short sleuthing stories I ever read.
Deliah Lawrence
Wow, if you are an avid Walter Mosley fan of the Easy Rawlings series then this book which is a collection of six short stories about Easy will leave you very fulfilled. For starters, you get a great snapshot of Easy and his family and friends who become key players in other novels and the backstory primes you for future adventures.

The major thing I enjoy about Mosley's books is his love of colors and how the titles conjure up what's to come. In Smoke, a fire breaks out at the school where Easy

Wow, if you are an avid Walter Mosley fan of the Easy Rawlings series then this book which is a collection of six short stories about Easy will leave you very fulfilled. For starters, you get a great snapshot of Easy and his family and friends who become key players in other novels and the backstory primes you for future adventures.

The major thing I enjoy about Mosley's books is his love of colors and how the titles conjure up what's to come. In Smoke, a fire breaks out at the school where Easy is the supervising senior head custodian and he has to figure out who is behind it. Here Easy's investigative skills are at work, maneuvering the streets of L.A. and solving crimes. Mosley continues to thread the drama from one short story to another In Crimson Stain, Silver Lining, Lavender, Gator Green and Gray-Eyed Death.
Overall, this is an excellent read!

Some of my favorite lines:
"I don't know what he said, but I'm no criminal, and I haven't been involved in any crimes," I said. That wasn't completely true, but it was close enough for Brown and I knew it. "It's true that I've known some pretty bad men, women too. If you go out your door down here you're likely to meet some bad folks, cain't help that. But what your captain might have meant is that I used to be in the business of doing favors."
"What kind of favors?
"People, black people, got all kinds of difficulties, you know that. A kid gets mixed up with the wrong crowd, a car goes missing. Calling the police, many times, just makes something bad that much worse. In that kinda situation I would come and give a little push. Nothing criminal. Nothing bad."
"Like an unlicensed private detective."
"Exactly like that. But you know I've been outta that business since coming to work at Truth.
Brown smooth out one side of his mustache with a long slender finger while he peered into my eyes. "Okay," he said at last. "All right. What can I do for you?" I

Ray Campbell
Sep 24, 2017 rated it really liked it
Great Noir detective story in the tradition of Raymond Chandler but with an African-American twist. Easy Rawlins has progressively gotten ahead as the series proceeds. In this installment, Easy is working at Sojourner Truth Junior High and getting respect from his supervisors. He is also being called on out of respect by friends who need his talents as a detective.

While there is lots of adventure and shadowy mystery, Easy is haunted by the loss of his best friend and frequent savior, Mouse. Thin

Great Noir detective story in the tradition of Raymond Chandler but with an African-American twist. Easy Rawlins has progressively gotten ahead as the series proceeds. In this installment, Easy is working at Sojourner Truth Junior High and getting respect from his supervisors. He is also being called on out of respect by friends who need his talents as a detective.

While there is lots of adventure and shadowy mystery, Easy is haunted by the loss of his best friend and frequent savior, Mouse. Things also take a turn at home when Easy's lover finds herself traveling with wealthy diplomats in her job as a stewardess.

This is a wonderful series. At it's root, it's just fun to be in Easy Rawlin's world. If you don't know the series, it's worth checking out. It is also worth noting that the stories don't carry over to the extent that order matters. Each book is absolutely satisfying in and of itself.

aPriL does feral sometimes
Six stories, six more reasons to admire WM.
Theresa Connors
A collection of short stories featuring Easy Rawlins instead of the usual novel format-one of my favorite detective series.
Camille Innocent
Great read. I love how Walter Mosely really gets into the black man's mind. Especially since I don't know what they are thinking. Great read. I love how Walter Mosely really gets into the black man's mind. Especially since I don't know what they are thinking. ...more
Laura Joyce
A Fair Collection, Lacking Depth

Three and a half stars. This collection doesn't hold up to the full length Rawlins books that come before it. I didn't realize it was short stories when I started, but he wrapped up the first story just when it was getting going, and I knew something was different. This book is worth the read, it continues the stories of Easy, Bonnie and his family and friends, so for that it's good to stay in the loop. And the stories are decent, lacking the clever twists of his

A Fair Collection, Lacking Depth

Three and a half stars. This collection doesn't hold up to the full length Rawlins books that come before it. I didn't realize it was short stories when I started, but he wrapped up the first story just when it was getting going, and I knew something was different. This book is worth the read, it continues the stories of Easy, Bonnie and his family and friends, so for that it's good to stay in the loop. And the stories are decent, lacking the clever twists of his full length endeavors, but full of his stimulating descriptive prose. Lots of interesting play between low life and high life, and visceral twists into the racial division of 1960's L.A. echoing into our 21st century world. Shows over and over that the tired old mores that divide wealth and poverty have changed little.
So Mosley Can write, but I kept getting the sense that these were a lot of false starts for full length novels, oftentimes hurried to a weak conclusion, and then on to the next.
So it's not his best, but I read it without qualms, in a couple of evenings. I never thought of putting it aside, but I'm m happy to be on to the next full length adventure with one of my favorite non PI guys, Easy Rawlins.

Nadine in NY Jones
I didn't like this nearly as much as the previous Easy book that I just finished (Brawly Brown). Some possible reasons:

1. Back-to-back Easy is Too Much Easy for me, or in other words: there's a reason I don't binge read. I like to take a break between styles.
2. I listened to audiobook and I do not like the guy who read this (M.E. Willis)
3. Sometimes a book of short stories just isn't my thing. Especially since each "piece" in this collection is written to be stand alone, so we are re-introduced

I didn't like this nearly as much as the previous Easy book that I just finished (Brawly Brown). Some possible reasons:

1. Back-to-back Easy is Too Much Easy for me, or in other words: there's a reason I don't binge read. I like to take a break between styles.
2. I listened to audiobook and I do not like the guy who read this (M.E. Willis)
3. Sometimes a book of short stories just isn't my thing. Especially since each "piece" in this collection is written to be stand alone, so we are re-introduced to the same handful of characters and given their short-form bio over and over again. That stuff should have been edited out for the collection. There's only so many times I need to hear about Jesus's horrible backstory, for example.
4. Easy is a sexist asshole in a lot of these stories.
5. The appeal of Mosley's books for me is the interesting collection of complex characters in each book, but in these short stories he doesn't have time to create complex characters, so a lot of them are just puppets. It felt pretty obvious that Mosley wrote these short pieces as an easy (hah!) way to change the direction of Easy's story arc.

Matt Glaviano
Feb 04, 2020 rated it really liked it
Unexpectedly good.

Not unexpected because of quality of the work -- I'm eight books into the series, and generally know what to expect from Mosley.

What surprised me was how much this book advanced the larger narrative of the series. I had expected a collection of short stories unrelated to the big picture. Looking at the publication information accompanying the text only increased this; a glance made me think they were published over the course of series.

But each piece moves the story forward. W

Unexpectedly good.

Not unexpected because of quality of the work -- I'm eight books into the series, and generally know what to expect from Mosley.

What surprised me was how much this book advanced the larger narrative of the series. I had expected a collection of short stories unrelated to the big picture. Looking at the publication information accompanying the text only increased this; a glance made me think they were published over the course of series.

But each piece moves the story forward. We learn more about Bonnie, Mofass, Mouse (for god's sake, MOUSE) -- the kind of plot level detail one expects from a novel, not a story collection. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement -- excited and grateful would be more accurate.

I'm really curious where Little Scarlet picks up. I also have this assumption that a story collection would attract few readers than the novels -- and you'd miss so much of the bigger tale if you passed on this collection. Looking forward to finding out what Mosley's strategy with the next novel is.

Vincent Lombardo
I love Walter Mosley! All of the books in the Easy Rawlins series are page turners, although they are also very gritty and have lots of sex and violence. Mosley is another Raymond Chandler or Ross Macdonald: his books are in the hard-boiled school of crime fiction. Easy Rawlins is a great "detective" and a good person, like Philip Marlowe and Lew Archer, but, like them, he is always battling personal demons. He wants to get away from "the street", but just can't seem to quit it.

I prefer reading

I love Walter Mosley! All of the books in the Easy Rawlins series are page turners, although they are also very gritty and have lots of sex and violence. Mosley is another Raymond Chandler or Ross Macdonald: his books are in the hard-boiled school of crime fiction. Easy Rawlins is a great "detective" and a good person, like Philip Marlowe and Lew Archer, but, like them, he is always battling personal demons. He wants to get away from "the street", but just can't seem to quit it.

I prefer reading novels to short stories and so I seldom read short stories. Unbeknownst to me, this book was a collection of short stories -- but I loved them!

This is the eighth book that I have read in the Easy Rawlins series. Walter Mosley never disappoints! I intend to read the entire Easy Rawlins series.

Sep 25, 2018 rated it really liked it
Enjoyable reads- I don't get why it's called Six Easy Pieces when there are seven stories but ...

Piece #1- SMOKE - an asshole sets off a smoke bomb at the highschool...gambling is a hell of a drug...wheres Mouse?

Piece #2 CRIMSON STAIN - Easy is tearing through the strees tryig to find out the fate of his killa friend Mouse and there's a woman who recently spent time with Mouse and wants to talk to Easy; too bad Easy finds her where's Mouse?

Piece #3 SILVER LINING - as usual Easy is take

Enjoyable reads- I don't get why it's called Six Easy Pieces when there are seven stories but ...

Piece #1- SMOKE - an asshole sets off a smoke bomb at the highschool...gambling is a hell of a drug...wheres Mouse?

Piece #2 CRIMSON STAIN - Easy is tearing through the strees tryig to find out the fate of his killa friend Mouse and there's a woman who recently spent time with Mouse and wants to talk to Easy; too bad Easy finds her where's Mouse?

Piece #3 SILVER LINING - as usual Easy is taked with helping out a friend by trying to find a missing sister, this one ends with some murder and the suicide of a beloved friend....but where's Mouse?

Piece #4 LAVENDAR - Easy is the finder of missing people, in this story he's looking for an illiterate foolish boy and a ratched rich white girl that have run away together. Mouse's wife Etta is in this story but where the hell is Mouse? Etta confirms that Mouse is dead....still no body so where's Mouse

Piece #5 GATOR GREEN -In this tale Easy is trying to find out who robbed an assholes, which of coure turns into murder...if only Mouse was there to help Easy with these cases.

Piece #6 GRAYED EYED DEATH - Mouse is ALIVE!! Who knew? Who didn't? Mouse has guilted Easy into finding out who really robbed an armored truck. The police believe it was Mouse's cousin Domaque and Mouse will kill the world to save his cousin

Piece #7 AMBER GATE - A shoemaker hires Easy to find out who murdered a young 'loose' woman; of course Easy gets Mouse involved..let the fun begin; what a duo.

Terry Steinborn
This is actually a collection of 7(!) short stories in the Easy Rawlins series. Easy is up to his usual job of helping his people (poor Blacks in LA) while holding down his day job a supervising custodian at Sojourner Truth Jr. High, a Black school in his area. He is trying to get confirmation of his best friend's death (or possibly not) after the friend was shot while protecting Easy. He operates outside the law, since he knows the White establishment will rarely move to help a Black man. The s This is actually a collection of 7(!) short stories in the Easy Rawlins series. Easy is up to his usual job of helping his people (poor Blacks in LA) while holding down his day job a supervising custodian at Sojourner Truth Jr. High, a Black school in his area. He is trying to get confirmation of his best friend's death (or possibly not) after the friend was shot while protecting Easy. He operates outside the law, since he knows the White establishment will rarely move to help a Black man. The stories are well written, showing an obvious understanding and sensitivity for the Black community. The characters are well-defined and motives usually come clear in these short but effective stories. I would have rated this somewhat higher, but I basically don't much like short stories. ...more
Really enjoyed this! After starting the first story, I realized it was probably meant for people who already read the series, but the author does a great job of giving you enough backstory to keep up with what's going on.
I find it hard to get attached to a series if I don't like the main character, and I really like Easy Rawlins. He is a complicated person - a war veteran, great father, loyal friend, world traveler, really smart (both street wise and book wise) and occasional buster of heads.
Really enjoyed this! After starting the first story, I realized it was probably meant for people who already read the series, but the author does a great job of giving you enough backstory to keep up with what's going on.
I find it hard to get attached to a series if I don't like the main character, and I really like Easy Rawlins. He is a complicated person - a war veteran, great father, loyal friend, world traveler, really smart (both street wise and book wise) and occasional buster of heads.
He's also a black man who left the South & is now living in LA which adds another layer of complication for Easy as he solves crimes and rights wrongs.
Since my beginning in the 90's, I thought that I'd read all of the Easy Rawlin's stories. Perhaps I simply don't remember reading it. Anyway, reading this chronological sequence of short stories was so engaging that I plan to start the series over from the beginning. If you're new to the series' title character, I do not recommend starting with this book. There is simply too much history and too many characters for you to put into context.

But reading this book is essential if you're following th

Since my beginning in the 90's, I thought that I'd read all of the Easy Rawlin's stories. Perhaps I simply don't remember reading it. Anyway, reading this chronological sequence of short stories was so engaging that I plan to start the series over from the beginning. If you're new to the series' title character, I do not recommend starting with this book. There is simply too much history and too many characters for you to put into context.

But reading this book is essential if you're following the life Easy's best friend, Mouse.

I find the Easy Rawlins stories fun and Walter Mosely's writing excellent. I enjoyed the ME Willis on Audible, but I did find the Michael Boatman reading of Devil in a Blue Dress better. These stories are interconnected, but involve many characters that don't meet. The thread holding the stories together are Easy and his family and Easy's loss of his friend Mouse, who may or may not be dead--killed saving Easy's life. One than one femme fatale plays a part in these stories. I find the Easy Rawlins stories fun and Walter Mosely's writing excellent. I enjoyed the ME Willis on Audible, but I did find the Michael Boatman reading of Devil in a Blue Dress better. These stories are interconnected, but involve many characters that don't meet. The thread holding the stories together are Easy and his family and Easy's loss of his friend Mouse, who may or may not be dead--killed saving Easy's life. One than one femme fatale plays a part in these stories. ...more
Walter Mosley (b. 1952) is the author of the bestselling mystery series featuring Easy Rawlins, as well as numerous other works, from literary fiction and science fiction to a young adult novel and political monographs. His short fiction has been widely published, and his nonfiction has appeared in the New York Times Magazine and the Nation, among other publications. Mosley is the winner of numero Walter Mosley (b. 1952) is the author of the bestselling mystery series featuring Easy Rawlins, as well as numerous other works, from literary fiction and science fiction to a young adult novel and political monographs. His short fiction has been widely published, and his nonfiction has appeared in the New York Times Magazine and the Nation, among other publications. Mosley is the winner of numerous awards, including an O. Henry Award, the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, a Grammy, and PEN America's Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in New York City. ...more

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